【同义词辨析】 2018-06-12 谄媚parasite-sponge
parasite: applies to one who clings to a person of wealth, power, or influence or is useless to society: a jet-setter with the usual entourage of ~. (jet-setter常乘飞机旅行的富豪) (entourage随从;随行人员)
sycophant: adds to this a strong suggestion of fawning, flattery or adulation: a military dictator who would only listen to ~.
toady: stresses the servility and snobbery of self-seekers: the president's own ~ made others grovel. (self-seeker: 自私自利的人) (grovel: 1、卑躬屈膝俯首帖耳 2、爬行=crawl如找东西)
hanger-on: usually contemptuous, refers to someone who habitually keeps company with or depends unduly on others for favor:
kept tripping on her ~.
leech: stresses persistence in clinging to or bleeding another for one's own advantage: ~ who abandoned her when the money ran out.
sponge: stresses the parasitic laziness, dependence, opportunism, and pettiness of the cadger: her brother, a shiftless ~, often came by for a free meal. (cadger乞丐,索要的人)
parasite寄生虫: 指依附权势,对社会无用的人,sycophant谄媚: 增加了谄媚奉承(fawning,flattery,adulation都是谄媚奉承,不区分),toady马屁(百万英镑里的店员叫Tod,暗指这个词): 指谄媚势利自私的人,hanger-on也是随从: 如影随形般追随依赖(habitually keeps company with...),leech吸血水蛭: 象水蛭一样依附吸血,sponge海绵、揩蹭好处: 指乞丐般懒惰依赖投机琐屑
记忆方法: 1) 首字母组合PLS THS: 请、这个<==谄媚的语言
2)谄媚的意思是谄媚奉承或自私自利的人mean an obsequious flatter or self-seeker.